Gravitation like attraction between two impulsese

I recently had a funny thought based on an insight about our planet, star system and galaxy.

As we these days know through scientifical research put planet rotates around a center point therefore the computer one is reading this text on is most moving with the planetary rotation. Additionally the planet is moving on an orbit around the sun meaning the computer this text is read on is moving also around the sun. And last but not least the earth is part of a solar system which rotates around a galactical core which means yes the computer this text is read on also moves around a galactical core.

Overall this computer has like the earth a maximum speed of 30.3 km/s.

Now in physic it is known that moving masses have an momentum being p = m*v

As Newton did not known this all as in his times it was a fact not fundamentally proven and as Einstein more cared about speeds far exceeding 30.3 km/s the question if those momentum that your computer has lead to attraction towards the earth has never been asked.

Therefore a short mathematical calculation of this impulse attraction is okay.

The attraction between momentums might be similar as between masses and follows the path of the attrraction of electrical charges that of the charge of the attraction being per the quadratic distance between the charges.

Fpp p1p2 / r^2

as the formula has a different unit from the a force it seems obvious  that a constant that normalises the formula to a force is needed which at least concening the units can be guessed easily

(kg m)/(s^2) = m/kg * (kg^2 )/(s^2)

Fpp = c0 p1p2/r^2

though we have an attraciton here the question stays wether it plays a role or it plays no role the question can easily be answered with following:

as this computer and the ground he stands on move with equal and constant speed compared with each other following holds true:

p1 = m1*v  and  p2 = m2*v

the overall attraction between Impulses then looks like

 Fpp = c0*v^2 * m1m2/r^2

and with being constant v^2 can be combined with the constant c0 unit wise this then gives us a different constant:

 c0*v^2 = m/kg * m^2/s^2 = m^3/(kg s^2)

which is known from the gravitational constant

therefore it seems likely that in case the speed of two momentum becomes very similar the attracition between impulses merges with the attraction between masses. While there are proves that show that the momentum is not the source of graviational attraction it is still interesting to play this through mathematically.
